Fiber: The Secret to Weight Management and Better Health!

Fiber: The Secret to Weight Management and Better Health!

Fiber: The Secret to Weight Management and Better Health!

Today we are discussing fiber and how it can help with weight loss and overall improved health.

How can fiber help with weight loss? 

  • It keeps you feeling full for longer 

  • It delays gastric emptying — again contributing to the feeling of being full 

There is an inverse relationship between obesity and fiber consumption. This relationship cuts across all racial groups (Anderson et al., 2009). 

If you are struggling with your weight, don’t count calories, count fiber! 

What is fiber anyway? 

Fiber refers to the part of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and beans that don’t break down when you eat them. While the nutrients in most food get absorbed in the GI tract, dietary fiber makes its way all the way to the colon.

Fiber is also a carbohydrate. While most carbs also break down into sugar, dietary fiber helps bulk up your stools. 

Fiber is critical to your health! 

Health conditions associated with low-fiber diets:

  • Obesity

  • Constipation 

  • Type II Diabetes  

  • High cholesterol

  • Diverticulitis

  • Gut microbiota overrun with “bad” bacteria

  • Certain cancers including colon and breast cancer

How much fiber do we need?

Experts seem to agree that we need at least 25-30 grams a day of dietary fiber. Most Americans only get 15 grams. Even children are only getting half the recommended amount of fiber (Anderson et al., 2009). The Standard American Diet abbreviated SAD, is notoriously low in fiber due to the use of processed foods.

What can I do if I suspect low fiber?

To evaluate your diet for dietary fiber, there are many apps and websites that can help. I like It’s free and easy to use.

While a high-fiber diet is best, supplemental fiber products can also be helpful. 

How much fiber do YOU get on a typical day? 

Find out! Getting adequate fiber may lower your risk of many diseases and chronic conditions and make weight management easier.

Track your fiber and leave me a comment below!

Great Sources of Delicious Fiber: 

  • Avocados 

  • Apples 

  • Okra 

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Broccoli 

  • Cauliflower

  • Beans, beans, beans 

  • Nuts & seeds 

  • Whole wheat bread  

  • Leafy greens 

One of my favorite sources of additional fiber is chia seeds. Here is a simple, delicious recipe that will add a whopping nine grams of fiber to your day:

Mango Coconut Chia Pudding – YUMMY!


  • 1 cup unsweetened Coconut Yogurt

  • 1 1/2 tsp Maple Syrup (divided) 

  • 3 tbsps Chia Seeds

  • 1/2 cup Frozen Mango (thawed, divided)

  • ½  of one Lime (medium, juiced)

  • 1/3 cup Raspberries


In a bowl, combine the yogurt, half of the maple syrup, and chia seeds. Let it thicken for 30 minutes. Keep refrigerated.

In a food processor, blend the mangoes with the lime juice and the remaining maple syrup.

Layer the chia pudding and the mango mixture in a small glass jar and top with the raspberries. Enjoy!

While I always believe in “food first,” supplements may also help increase fiber in the diet and help support a healthy weight. 

Psyllium fiber products have long been used to help with weight loss. According to recent clinical trials, a novel fiber product called PGX may be even more effective. 

Psyllium versus PGX versus Placebo 

In a recent study, over 100 Australian adults participated in a one-year study. There were three groups of participants. One group was the placebo group which received a pretend fiber product. Another group received a psyllium supplement and the third group received the PGX supplement. 

Both fiber products resulted in weight loss when measured at 3 months, 6 months, and again at 12 months. The groups receiving fiber supplements also saw reductions in BMI and total body fat. 

Both the psyllium and the PGX supplements were dosed at 5 grams of fiber and they were each given three times a day at mealtime with plenty of water. While the PGX group saw more weight loss, the psyllium may have been better tolerated because participants complained of less flatulence and diarrhea than the PGX group. The clinical trial was double-blinded meaning neither the participants nor the researchers knew who was getting which products, including the placebo. 

Fiber supplementation can result in significant “decreases in energy intake” or calories (Pal et al., 2016). 

If you are going to explore the use of fiber supplements for weight loss or any other health benefit,  start slow in order to give your body a chance to adjust to the increased fiber. Side effects of too much fiber include bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort. 

What is PGX? 

PGX stands for “polyglycoplex,”  a novel type of fiber derived from konjac, a root vegetable popular in Asian cooking. PGX forms viscous fiber in the body which helps lower insulin, cholesterol, and body weight. 

It is thought that the PGX granules are more effective than the capsules (Solah et al., 2019). I am aware of two good products on the market, both by Natural Factors:

  • PGX Granules

  • PGX Daily Singles (packets) 

The company claims that PGX will reduce cravings, which makes sense given its ability to reduce insulin and increase the sensation of satiety or fullness. 

For almost all health concerns, including weight management, eating the daily minimum requirement of fiber is critical. My advice is to start with foods and then consider supplementation if you suffer from a specific health issue such as chronically high cholesterol or stubborn weight gain. Just start off slowly with any big dietary changes so that your body has time to adjust. 


Anderson, J.W., Baird, P., Davis, R.H., Ferrari, S., Knudtson, M., Karaym, A., Waters, V., & C.L. Williams (2009). Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutrition Reviews. 67:4.

Pal, S., Ho, S., Gahler, R. J., & Wood, S. (2016). Effect on body weight and composition in overweight/obese Australian adults over 12 months consumption of two different types of fibre supplementation in a randomized trial. Nutrition & metabolism, 13, 82.

Solah, V. A., Kerr, D. A., Irawati, D., Hunt, W., Meng, X., Gahler, R. J., Fenton, H. K., Johnson, S. K., James, A. P., & Wood, S. (2019). Effect of PolyGlycopleX (PGX) Consumption on Blood Lipid Profiles in Healthy, Low CVD Risk Overweight Adults. Nutrients, 11(4), 717.


The included information is not meant to or should not be used to replace or substitute medical treatment, recommendations, or the advice of your physician or health care provider. The information contained within is strictly for educational purposes and is based on evidence-based nutrition. If you believe you have a medical problem or condition, please contact your physician or healthcare provider.